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TrueDyne Sensors

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) for highest level of measurement accuracy for liquids & gases

TrueDyne Sensors AG is one of the leading providers in the development of microsensor systems. It can take qualitative and quantitative liquid measurements such as density or flow rate based on both new and well-established measurement principles. Modules from TrueDyne Sensors AG guarantee maximum performance in a uniquely compact design. We provide additional value by combining the expertise we possess in the fields of microsensors and multiparameter measurement technology.

TrueDyne Sensors AG, Headquarter in Reinach, Switzerland ©Endress+Hauser

TrueDyne Sensors AG, Headquarter in Reinach, Switzerland

Production of the density module ©Endress+Hauser

Production of the density module

Density module of TrueDyne Sensors AG ©Endress+Hauser

Density module of TrueDyne Sensors AG

MEMS chips of TrueDyne Sensors AG ©Endress+Hauser

MEMS chips of TrueDyne Sensors AG

  • Giám Đốc Điều Hành

    Josua Ritter

  • Năm thành lập


  • Số lượng nhân viên


TrueDyne Sensors AG – density module

  • TrueDyne Sensors AG focuses on the development of MEMS-based systems for the continuous measurement of gases and liquids

  • Our main area of expertise – density measurement – is applied in a number of applications, such as conversion of volume to mass, quality monitoring of media and concentration measurement

  • As per our claim “Rethink Sensing” our aim is to provide customers with innovative, miniaturized, and highly accurate sensors

  • For more information about the company as well as our range of products and services please visitwww.truedyne.com

Liên hệ

  • TrueDyne Sensors AG

    TrueDyne Sensors AG

    Christoph-Merian-Ring 20

    4153 Reinach Baselland

    Thụy Sỹ