Advanced bioprocess control
Nicro provides turnkey solutions for fermenters
From time consuming sample analysis to real-time monitoring of critical parameters in fermentation processes thanks to complete solutions from hardware to development and analytical services.
The results
Safe operation and time saving thanks to in-line process monitoring of metabolites without the need for offline sampling
Improved process control leading to optimised production and increased yield
Complete packaged solution for fermentation
The customer challenge
A typical indicator of fermentation progress is the lack of dissolved oxygen in the media which gives an estimation of the process duration. Optical density and metabolites may also be monitored for a better insight into the process. Concentration of metabolites would usually be measured off-line with time consuming chromatographic techniques and therefore would require samples. This can also bring a potential risk of contamination and lead to the loss of a valuable batch.
Our solution
Nicro combined their competencies together with BIOCentre and Endress+Hauser to provide a complete packaged solution for fermentation processes. It includes:
Engineering and design of complete fermentation system from Nicro
A Raman Rxn analyzer and Rxn-45 probe from Endress+Hauser
Analytical Services from BIOCentre supported by S-PACT modelling services