Hãy thử tìm kiếm theo từ khóa, đơn hàng hoặc mã sản phẩm hoặc số sê-ri, ví dụ: “CM442” hoặc “Thông tin kỹ thuật”
Nhập ít nhất 2 ký tự để bắt đầu tìm kiếm.
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Continuous bio manufacturing

Mapping of PAT tools for enabling integrated DSP in continuous bio manufacturing

This online seminar will focus on the exploration of multiple techniques and their possibilities to secure tight control of major critical quality attributes (CQA) and PAT tools for measuring different attributes in real-time. A PAT tools feasibility study will be covered to demonstrate in-line measurements in fed-batch process steps and their potential for use in a continuous process.

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Bio manufacturing ©Endress+Hauser

Bio manufacturing