Hãy thử tìm kiếm theo từ khóa, đơn hàng hoặc mã sản phẩm hoặc số sê-ri, ví dụ: “CM442” hoặc “Thông tin kỹ thuật”
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Endress+Hauser Flow India

Customized manufacturing, calibration and logistics services of flow measurement instruments

Founded in 1999, Endress+Hauser Flow India manufactures and supplies out of Aurangabad electromagnetic flowmeters, Coriolis mass flowmeters, vortex and ultrasonic flowmeters to India, Australia, South Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Additionally, Endress+Hauser Flow India supplies vortex flowmeters to TLV Japan. The plant employs about 130 people.

Discover the world of flowmeters.

Endress+Hauser Flow India, Aurangabad, calibration ©Endress+Hauser
Endress+Hauser Flow India, Aurangabad, calibration ©Endress+Hauser
Endress+Hauser Flow India, Aurangabad, man welding measuring tube ©Endress+Hauser
Endress+Hauser Flow India, Aurangabad, man inserts printed circuit board ©Endress+Hauser
Endress+Hauser Flow India, Aurangabad, man with flowmeter ©Endress+Hauser
  • Giám Đốc Điều Hành

    Kulathu Kumar

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Your product center for flow measurement in India

  • Endress+Hauser Flowtec (India) Pvt. Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG Switzerland

  • Part of the global sourcing activities of Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG

  • Quality systems: ISO 9001:2015,
    ISO/IEC 17025 accredited (calibration laboratory),
    ISO 3834-2 (welding),
    Environmental system: ISO 14001:2015,
    Safety system: ISO 45001:2018,
    Energy system: ISO 50001:2018

  • Find out more about our national sales center Endress+Hauser India.

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    Fact Sheet: Endress+Hauser Flow India

    Your product center for flow measurement in India

    Tổng quan về các sản phẩm và dịch vụ công nghệ đo lưu lượng chất lỏng, khí và hơi của chúng tôi